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In this blog post, I will explain what https://nsfw.m1guelpf.me/ is and how it works in simple words. NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work, which means that some images or content are inappropriate to view or share in a professional setting. For example, images that show nudity, violence, or gore are usually considered NSFW.

https://nsfw.m1guelpf.me/ is a website that lets you check if an image is NSFW or not. You can upload or drag and drop any PNG or JPG image (up to 50MB) and the website will tell you if it is safe for work or not. The website uses a machine learning model called Stable Diffusion, which is a technique to generate realistic images from random noise. The model can also be used to detect if an image is real or generated by AI, and if it contains any unsafe content.

The website was created by Miguel Piedrafita, a 21-year-old serial builder and purple-haired developer who works at Worldcoin and is a core member of ConstitutionDAO. He tweets about ideas, code, ML and more at @m1guelpf. He also has a GitHub profile where he shares his projects and code.

I hope this blog post helped you understand what https://nsfw.m1guelpf.me/ is and how it works. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading!