Just Prompts is a simple and intuitive tool that helps you build your prompts step by step. You can choose from different categories of prompts, such as creative writing, summarization, translation, and more. You can also customize your prompt by adding your own components or modifying the existing ones. You can see the results of your prompt in real time, and tweak it until you are satisfied.
Just Prompts is powered by Vercel, a platform that enables frontend teams to develop, preview, and ship their websites with ease. Vercel offers fast performance, SEO optimization, serverless technology, and global replication of assets. Just Prompts is also open-source, so you can explore the code and contribute to the project.
If you want to learn more about Just Prompts and Additive Prompting, you can visit the website at [1] or follow Nick Floats on Twitter at @nickfloats. You can also check out some examples of prompts and results created with Just Prompts at [2]. Just Prompts is a great way to unleash your creativity and get the most out of GPT-3.