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Hippocratic Medical Questions is a website that allows you to ask questions about various health topics and get answers from medical experts.

The website aims to provide reliable and accurate information that can help you make informed decisions about your health and well-being. The website is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always consult your doctor or other qualified health provider before starting any new treatment or making any changes to your existing treatment. The website is based on the principles of the Hippocratic Oath, which is a pledge taken by physicians to uphold ethical standards and respect human dignity. The website respects your privacy and does not collect or share any personal information. You can use the website for free and without registration. You can browse the existing questions and answers by category or search for a specific topic. You can also ask your own question by filling out a simple form. Your question will be reviewed by a team of moderators and then answered by one of the medical experts on the website. You will receive an email notification when your question is answered. You can also rate the answers and leave feedback for the experts. Hippocratic Medical Questions is a useful resource for anyone who wants to learn more about health and medicine in a simple and trustworthy way.