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If you are interested in listening to radio broadcasts from different parts of the world, you might want to try shortwave radio. Shortwave radio is a type of radio transmission that uses shortwave frequencies (between 3.3 and 30 MHz) to carry voice or music.

Unlike other radio waves, shortwave radio waves can be reflected or refracted by a layer of electrically charged atoms in the atmosphere called the ionosphere. This means that shortwave radio signals can travel long distances and reach remote areas.

One of the best websites to learn more about shortwave radio is **https://www.shortwave.com/**. This website provides information on how shortwave radio works, what kind of radios you need, how to tune in to different stations, and what kind of programs you can listen to. You can also find links to other resources, such as shortwave frequency schedules, online shortwave radios, and shortwave clubs and organizations.

Shortwave radio is a fascinating hobby that can open your ears to new cultures, languages, and perspectives. You can hear news, music, and opinions from different countries and regions that you might not hear on other media. You can also communicate with other shortwave enthusiasts around the world using amateur radio or ham radio. Shortwave radio is a way to explore the world without leaving your home.