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Robofy.ai is a website that helps you create a chatbot for your own website. A chatbot is a computer program that can talk to your visitors and answer their questions. Chatbots can help you provide better customer service, reduce support costs, and increase engagement.

Robofy.ai uses a powerful AI technology called ChatGPT to make chatbots that can understand natural language and learn from your website content. You don't need any coding skills or technical knowledge to use Robofy.ai. You just need to enter your website URL and select the pages you want the chatbot to train on. Robofy.ai will automatically fetch the content from your website and train the chatbot for you.

You can also customize the chatbot widget to match your website design and language. Robofy.ai supports any language that is supported by AI, so you can reach customers from different countries and regions. You can also monitor the chatbot performance with the inbox and ratings features, and transfer the chat from a bot to a human if needed.

Robofy.ai offers a free plan that allows you to create a chatbot for up to 5 web pages and 1 website. You can also upgrade to a paid plan that gives you more features and web pages. Robofy.ai also has a WordPress plugin that lets you install the chatbot on your WordPress site easily.

If you want to create a chatbot for your website in 2 minutes, try Robofy.ai for free today. You will be amazed by how smart and helpful your chatbot can be.