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MutableAI is a software development tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help developers write code faster and better. It has several features that make it different from other code editors or IDEs. One of the features is AI autocomplete, which suggests code snippets based on the context and the developer's intent. It can also complete code blocks, loops, functions, and classes with a few keystrokes. The AI autocomplete is powered by a large neural network that has been trained on millions of lines of code from various sources.

Another feature is AI documentation writer, which generates clear and concise comments and docstrings for the code. It can also explain the logic and purpose of the code in natural language. The AI documentation writer helps developers document their code without spending too much time or effort.

A third feature is AI code refactorer, which improves the quality and readability of the code by applying best practices and standards. It can also detect and fix common errors, bugs, and vulnerabilities in the code. The AI code refactorer helps developers maintain and debug their code more easily.

A fourth feature is AI instruction prompt, which allows developers to give commands to the AI to edit their code directly. For example, a developer can type "add a parameter x to this function" or "rename this variable to y" and the AI will execute the instruction accordingly. The AI instruction prompt helps developers modify their code without switching between different tools or windows.

MutableAI's long-term mission is to help developers move at the speed of thought and create high-quality software with less time and cost. It is currently available as a VS Code extension for Python developers, but it plans to support more languages and platforms in the future. MutableAI is backed by Y Combinator, one of the most prestigious startup accelerators in the world.