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Metaphor is a new kind of search engine that uses artificial intelligence to understand natural language queries. Unlike traditional search engines that rely on keywords and exact matches, Metaphor can interpret complex and expressive prompts that resemble how people talk about links on the internet. Metaphor aims to find the best results for any query, no matter how specific or vague it is.

Metaphor was launched in 2022 by a team of researchers and engineers who wanted to create a more human-friendly way to search the web. They trained their AI model on millions of examples of text and links from various sources, such as Reddit, Wikipedia, blogs, news articles, and more. The model learned to predict the most likely link that would follow a given text prompt, based on the context and meaning of the words.

Metaphor's interface is simple and intuitive. Users can type any prompt they can think of in the search box, and Metaphor will return a list of relevant links. The prompts can be questions, statements, opinions, comparisons, or anything else that makes sense in natural language. For example, instead of typing "best math blogs", one could type "Besides Terry Tao's blog, this is my favorite math blog:" and get better results.

Metaphor also provides a guide on how to write effective prompts for different types of searches. The guide explains some tips and tricks on how to use natural language to get the best results from Metaphor. For example, it suggests avoiding keyword searches and rephrasing questions to look more like answers.

Metaphor is more than just a search engine. It is a new way to explore the internet and discover new information. By using natural language, Metaphor allows users to express their curiosity and creativity in searching for what they want. Metaphor is also constantly improving its AI model and adding new features to make searching easier and more fun.