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If you want to improve your thinking skills and learn how to solve problems better, you might be interested in mental models. Mental models are **explanations of how something works**. They help you understand life, make decisions, and create change. Some examples of mental models are supply and demand, game theory, and entropy.

One website that teaches you about mental models is https://learnmentalmodels.co/. This website has an **AI coach** that chats with you and helps you apply mental models to your unique scenarios and problems. You can also learn from over 50+ mental models that cover different domains of knowledge, such as physics, psychology, and business.

The website was created by @sameedahmad, an indiehacker and solopreneur who is passionate about mental models and learning. He believes that mental models can help you think better and gain a mental edge in life. You can follow him on Twitter or watch his video demo of the website.

If you are curious about mental models and want to learn more, you can visit https://learnmentalmodels.co/ and chat with the AI coach. You might discover new ways of seeing the world and solving your problems.