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Mem is a web-based app that aims to help you organize your team's work with the help of artificial intelligence. Mem lets you create notes, called "mems", that are automatically linked to each other and to relevant information from the web. You can also use mems to create projects, tasks, knowledge bases, and more. Mem is designed to make your knowledge work more efficient and enjoyable.

One of the main features of Mem is its natural language processing (NLP) engine, which analyzes your mems and suggests relevant information, such as definitions, images, links, or other mems. You can also use natural language commands to create mems, search for information, or perform actions. For example, you can type "/create project" to start a new project, or "/find best pizza near me" to get recommendations.

Another feature of Mem is its knowledge graph, which organizes your mems and their connections in a visual way. You can explore your knowledge graph to discover new insights, patterns, or relationships among your mems. You can also use dimensions, which are like tags or categories, to filter and sort your mems by different criteria.

Mem is currently in beta and invite-only, but you can sign up for the waitlist on their website. Mem is backed by Andreessen Horowitz, one of the leading venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. Mem's vision is to redefine the way we interact with our knowledge and augment our intelligence.