Maimovie has a database of over 880K movies and TV shows, covering 137+ streaming services and featuring 2.7M+ cast and crew members. You can browse through 32K+ live-updated AI curations that suggest movies and TV shows for different moods, genres, themes, occasions, and more. You can also search by keywords, actors, directors, ratings, or any other criteria you can think of.
Maimovie also provides detailed information about each movie and TV show, such as the plot summary, the streaming options, the ratings from various sources, the cast and crew list, the trailer, and the similar titles. You can also see the movie trends, the personal recommendations based on your viewing history, and the user reviews from other Maimovie users.
Maimovie is a free app that you can download on your iOS or Android device. You can also access it through your web browser at Maimovie is a great tool for movie lovers who want to explore new content and find their next favorite movie or TV show.