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HeadlinesAI is a web app that helps you create engaging and catchy headlines for your content. Whether you are writing for YouTube, Medium, Reddit, or IndieHackers, HeadlinesAI can generate headlines that will attract more views and clicks.

HeadlinesAI uses artificial intelligence to analyze your content topic and suggest headlines that are relevant, concise, and appealing. You can choose from different platforms and customize your headlines according to your preferences.

To use HeadlinesAI, you simply need to select a platform, describe your content in a few words, and click on "Generate". You will get 10 potential headlines that you can copy or edit as you like. You can also access your history and see the headlines you have generated before.

HeadlinesAI offers a free trial and a paid plan. The free trial allows you to generate up to 10 headlines per day. The paid plan costs $9 per month and gives you unlimited access to headline generation, history, commercial use, and priority support.

HeadlinesAI is a useful tool for anyone who wants to create captivating headlines for their content. It can save you time and effort and help you reach more audience with your content.