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If you are looking for a tool that can help you create high-quality SEO content in minutes, you might want to check out Frase. Frase is a smart AI-powered platform that offers various features to streamline your content creation process.
- Content Brief: Frase can generate well-researched content briefs based on your target keyword and the top results from Google. You can review the main keywords, headers, and concepts that your competitors are using and create your own custom brief templates.
- Content Writing: Frase can also write content for you using AI templates and natural language generation. You can use the "Write for Me" button to autocomplete your sentences or generate entire paragraphs. You can also use Frase to write blog intros, product descriptions, FAQs, headings, and more.
- Content Optimization: Frase can help you optimize your content for SEO by comparing it with your top competitors and providing a topic model. You can see the keywords and topics that you should include in your content and how many times you should mention them. Frase also gives you a score for your content based on its relevance and quality.
- Content Analytics: Frase can also help you monitor and improve your content performance by using your Google Search Console data. Frase can identify and categorize your best content opportunities and suggest ways to prevent content decay.
Frase is a powerful tool that can save you time and effort in creating SEO-friendly content. You can try it for free or sign up for a plan that suits your needs. With Frase, you can take your content creation to the next level.