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If you are a writer, a student, a teacher, or a business owner, you probably know how important it is to create and protect original content. Plagiarism is a serious issue that can damage your reputation, lower your grades, or even lead to legal consequences. But how can you avoid plagiarism and ensure that your content is unique and authentic?

That's where Copyleaks comes in. Copyleaks is an AI-based platform that helps you detect plagiarism and AI-generated content in your text. It also helps you improve your writing skills and ensure content integrity. Copyleaks can scan your text against billions of web pages, academic databases, books, journals, and other sources to find any similarities or paraphrasing. It can also identify if your text was written by a human or generated by an AI tool, such as ChatGPT4.

Copyleaks is trusted by millions of users worldwide, including leading organizations, universities, schools, and businesses. It offers various products and solutions for different needs and purposes, such as:

- AI Content Detector: The only enterprise solution that keeps you informed about whether content was written by a human or generated by AI, including ChatGPT4.
- Plagiarism Detector: The award-winning plagiarism detection tool that helps you identify potential plagiarism, detect AI-generated content, and more. You can get started for free today, or explore the LMS and API integrations.
- AI Grader: A revolutionary solution for quickly and accurately assessing tens of thousands of standardized tests at the state, national, and university-wide level.

Copyleaks is more than just a plagiarism checker. It is a platform that empowers originality and inspires authenticity. It helps you create secure environments to share ideas confidently and learn. It also helps you build digital trust and confidence with your readers, customers, students, and colleagues.

If you want to learn more about Copyleaks and how it can help you with your content creation and protection needs, visit their website at https://copyleaks.com/ or contact them today.